Sunday, September 26, 2010

My Love Hate Relationship....

I (Kelly) am currently involved in a very unhealthy relationship....with NYC.  It is one that involves love and hate, ever-changing feelings, avoidance and attachment....ahh, I can't quite wrap my mind around how I feel about this place.  So, I figured, I would share with you all out here in blog land the things I love and hate about my new residence.

Being with my husband - he is amazing        
Having an endless stream of visitors
Never-ending variety of restaurants, museums, farmer's markets, etc
Public transportation
Our beautiful apartment with a gym right downstairs
The mission behind my new school
The students at my new school 
The idea that anything goes when it comes to fashion, beliefs, views, etc.
The active lifestyle
Central Park
Broadway shows
Reading during my commute

Being away from my family and friends
HAVING to use public transportation all of the time - car
Not knowing which restaurants are going to be great
Not having a lawn - or better yet a house
People viewing work as the most important thing in life
Long work hours
My commute
Walking in adverse weather conditions
Long lines at every McDonalds - seriously
Lack of fountain pop
La Guardia

Things I miss: 
A car
A house
Work life balance
Knowing my coworkers well
Having a variety of social life options
A slower pace
People who are rooted in the same values
Common Ground

As with all love-hate relationships, my feelings about NYC shift on a day to day basis.  One fact remains....home is where the heart is, and my heart is with Eric.  Eric is in NYC.  So home is in NYC for now!


  1. Kelly, this is Jennifer Colclasure, Eric's aunt. When I married Mark, 29 yrs ago, I experienced a similar move to OKC where I knew NO ONE except Mark. It was VERY difficult but looking back I think it helped bond us even tighter to each other. As we continued to move into other cities with the oil co. he worked with, we cherished the times when we were able to visit family and friends and learned just how important that was. It was our goal to one day move back "home" so our children could know their relatives and we could ALL spend more time with each other. It took a while for that to happen but did in GOD'S timing. In the meantime* "bloom where you are planted". We have some great friends and experiences that we never would have had otherwise. Find a church home and get involved in a Life Group so you can get to know other people with the same Christian beliefs. That helped us immensely. You have such a great attitude and I know GOD will bless you as you seek HIS direction. Praying for you and Eric today. :)

  2. Kelly,

    And we love how you share your talent and life. Have a wonderfully HAPPY BIRTHDAY! We Love You!

    Bradd and Janice
