Friday, September 10, 2010

The Maine Event:)

We decided to celebrate Labor Day the right way....doing nothing laborous at all.  What better way to do that than to get away from this crazy city, see some fabulous friends, and stay at a Bed and Breakfast where everything is done for you???

Eric and I flew out Friday night amidst the effects of hurricane Earl to see our great friends Brandt and Kelly Voight in Maine.  Everything was going as planned, until our plane did a last minute swoop back up in the sky as it was just about to hit the runway.  Hmmm.....did they see a deer on the runway? Were we landing too early?  Nope....the pilot couldn't see a thing admist the fog and rain from the hurricane.  So, we had a quick detour to New Hamshire and landed there.  Luckily that was only about an hour and a half drive from our intended destination, Kennebunkport, Maine. 

We drove into Kennebunkport at about midnight, but we could tell that the town was everything you would expect to see in a quaint Maine destination.  Small shops, boats, seafood restaurants, bed and breakfasts, beautiful was great.

We spend the day Saturday exploring the town (thought Brandt and Eric were able to squeeze in a viewing of the Notre Dame/Purdue game), and then had a fun night out in the evening of dinner, drinks, and karaoke:).

Sunday we headed up to Portland, Maine in our sweet convertible.  We went on a four-hour whale watching excursion that ended up being a little bumpier than we had expected.  We saw many waves, and no whales.  Oh well, it makes for funny memories!  We wrapped up the trip with a little more exploring around Portland and a delicious dinner.

As we were flying back to NYC, Eric and I talked about how great it is to reconnect with good friends who know us well.  There is something refreshing about getting beyond the "getting to know you" type conversation, and just being yourself.  These little breaks from the intensity out here are imperative to our happiness:).  Here are a few pictures from our trip (the really great pictures are taken from Kelly V.'s camera).

     Aww, the four of us with the ocean!

      At the bed and breakfast with our "cottage" in the background.

      Where Kelly and I saw for an hour and was delightful:).

     George Bush Senior's beautiful home....they live in Kennebunkport from March until October, and they apparently are out and about all of the time.


Yep, they were karaoke all-stars.  Who would have know that was Eric's hidden passion??

         Eric and Brandt, crammed in the back of our convertible while Kelly and I enjoyed the front!

                                                             It was a windy ride!

                           Whale watching!  We didn't see whales, but we saw pretty lighthouses.

                                            And finally, the delicious brick-oven pizza.


  1. love love love it! can't wait till next time!

  2. I wish I was just a teeny tiny person and could have fit in your suitcase for this trip. It sounds like you guys had a blast! -Meg

  3. i want to go to maine now! it looks like ya'll had lots of fun. such cute pictures, too. you folks are pretty great.
