Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The New Crib....

Almost anyone i have talked to over the past two weeks has asked, "What do you do during the day when Eric is working?"  It is difficult to know how to answer.  I feel like I have kept busy, but am not sure what I do exactly.  When I step back and take a look around, I remember.  I unpack, put things away, hang things, move them, order things, take them out of boxes, take things down, organize, sort, throw away.  Basically, I have been making our apartment the homey place I want it to be during our time out here.  It also takes a lot of work to make two lives become one, when it comes to furniture, pictures, dishes, paperwork.... I am so happy I have these couple of weeks so I can feel settled before I start work.  Now that our apartment is ready, our Fresh Direct account is up and running, or wedding pictures are ordered, and most other details are taken care of, I feel ready to get back to work.  Only one more week off for me!

I decided to take some pictures of the apartment so everyone can see where we spend or down time.  Here it is!

 The living room... (the rug is my favorite!)

Murphy likes the rug too.

The other side of the living room - see Murphy's window??

The kitchen is the only room we could justify painting.


We wouldn't make it in this apartment without the great closet space!

The bathroom was too tiny to get a decent picture of...

Our mini hallway that goes back to the bedroom and bathroom.

This piece of furniture holds all of the fun glassware we got for the wedding.  I love it, evne though we don't have enough people over to use the stuff in it right now:)

Ya know, if you come visit, you can see it all in person!


  1. yay for pictures of the apartment! you did an amazing job getting all settled in and making it home :) can't wait to see it in person sometime!

  2. Looks like it has Eric and Kelly written all over it! I am very impressed that you have wedding pictures framed and ordered already! You go girl! Album done already??

  3. So cozy. And that kitchen looks nice! I like the modern finishes and hardware :) And enjoy your transition need to explain it!

  4. The place looks beautiful. I knew you would make it your own. Can't wait to see it and you in a few weeks. Love Ya! Mom

  5. Great looking place sorry we could not get to wedding hope you received the gift from Target. Hope to come and see you . Uncle Ron and Aunt Aretha

  6. Thanks, Kelly. The apartment looks great. These pictures really make it seem like you guys are close by.

