Monday, July 19, 2010

First Few Weeks Here!

Eric and I have really enjoyed our first couple of weekends together exploring the city.  I have tried to do a good job documenting what we have done, though the pictures don't quite do it justice.  Mostly, we have just enjoyed spending time together without the looming "we have to leave each other in a couple of days...."  in our mind.  We have both decided that married life bodes well with us:)  Here are some of our adventures so far....

 The Trip Out East
We packed up an SUV with all of my stuff, our wedding gifts, and Murphy to take the 11 hour drive out east.  We stopped at Eric's childhood home and for a wedding along the way.  All in all, it was a fun road trip.

Eric was the driver the whole way.

I was the "back seat driver" from the passenger seat the whole way.

Murphy did SUCH a good job.  Other than almost getting us kicked out of the hotel for barking while we were at the wedding, he was fabulous:).

The console was filled with water or diet cokes the whole way:).

When we got to Eric's childhood home, we wanted to take a picture of it.  Just as I got my camera out, the owner came out and stood on the porch for what seemed like forever.  To avoid creepily taking a picture of his house, we settled for the street sign.

The view of the city, coming in through Jersey.  99.7% of the picture you see on this blog will be the Manhattan skyline from the Brooklyn side, so I thought this was worth posting.

Fourth of July
We got into Brooklyn at about 6:00pm on Fourth of July.  We quickly unloaded the car and decided to try and see some fireworks.  One of the great perks about where we live in Brooklyn is that we are about a half mile walk from the East River Promenade where there is a great view of Manhattan and the Statue of Liberty.  We thought we could see the fireworks from there, but we could only see the tops of them over the buildings (They were shot on the Hudson River side of Manhattan).  It looked like it was quite a display from what we could see! 

Eric and Murphy with a slurpee.

Kelly and Murphy with a slurpee.

Blurry picture of the Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan Skyline.

Murphy's viewing spot for the fireworks.  He was more interested in any other dog that walked by.

Our First Weekend in NYC
 I know this is lame to most people, but I was really excited to use some of our new kitchen stuff!  Friday, we decided to cook dinner at home and stay in.  Among my many favorite kitchen items to use were my new mini food processor, glass dessert dish, and hand mixer:).  I know, I am nerd.

On Saturday, we decided to get out and explore.  We went on a long walk over the Brooklyn Bridger to the Seaport at Pier 17.  We took a water taxi ride around Manhattan, walked through the city, and ended with dinner back at the Seaport.  Then....we thought it was a good idea to walk back over the Brooklyn Bridge to get home.  Needless to say, we were tired at the end of the day:).  

We ended the weekend with church at Redeemer Presbyterian.  Finding a church is maybe one of the more difficult things to do here so far.  We will just keep truckin till we find one we like!

Alright, that's weekend one in a nutshell!

Flatiron steak topped with sweet and sour salad, and served with corn fettucine (Rachel Ray)

Dirt Pudding (one of my favorites!)

Getting diet cokes for our Seaport Adventure!

The Bridge....

This place is actually a huge touristy area filled with stores, restaurants, boat tours, etc.  Kind of a neat place to visit, despite the tourist hustle and bustle. 

Aboard the Water Taxi

Up close view of the Statue of Liberty

Us with the pretty lady.

Murphy, still adjusting well:)

Thats all for now! More updates to come.


  1. this post is awesome - literally detailed updates almost by the minute - i LOVE it! :) and murphy. and the trifle bowl's shout out and photo!!

    ps. the pic of lady liberty is a good shot!

  2. Love all the detail! You are our going to be our tour guide extraordinaire !!!

