Friday, June 11, 2010


Why "Big Apple Adventures" do you say? Well, for starters, we are moving to the Big Apple (NYC). More importantly, we are calling this next year a big 'ole adventure! We want to make the most of every second as we experience our first year of marriage in New York City. This blog is our way to share a little slice of our experiences with the people important to us (or whoever wants to read it!). We make no promises of how entertaining, funny, or interesting our blog will be. What we CAN promise is that we will have a blast doing the things that we write about!

Before the adventure begins, we have a few things back here in Indiana to take care of. First, we have to get hitched. Next, we have to sail away for a week. Finally, we have to get Kelly and Murphy officially moved out east. These next few weeks will be a little crazy, but we will be sure to let you know how it all went as soon as the adventure begins.

Until next time, a few photos I came across when gathering pictures for the wedding....

Kelly, Eric, and Murphy


  1. So excited for your blog - can't wait to read all about your big adventures. :)

  2. I love it! Now we can be blog buddies!

  3. You were soooo cute!!!

  4. Puppy Murphy, melt my heart!
